Thursday, August 26, 2010

Taking a Break

As many of you may have realized I have not been around on Facebook or MSN latly... I decided to take a week off ... sort of a mind cleanse to go along with my body cleanse I am working on...  I have found a new program for my weight loss and have been getting myself on track for that and helping myself zone into my healthier me zone.... I think I have finally found my way around it and have finally found the support I need to get through this Journey!! People who I can relate too and have gone through the same toils and tribulations I have and still are going through them!! ... thats the difference with this plan.... you get support .. you are never on your own... and its a different support than calling in to talk to an advisor or anything like that ... it is a support of real people who have been or still are walking in your shoes... The trainer is awesome as well and she gives you one on one support and motivation ... the workouts are all filmed with people just starting out as you are ... all at different levels and you do not feel intimidated at all... I love this program soo far and I am going to stick with it ... if anyone out there in blogger land wants to know more about the program click on the link below

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