Monday, August 16, 2010

Back To The Basics

Ahhh the Simple Life!!...This weekend was long and busy but totally worth it... I had a few tasks to do around my parents house which included painting their foundation ... alot of squatting and working of the arms ... espically under the two patios .... we also mowed the lawn which has a steep hill you have to push the mower up and down so another workout!!  We also did a 3.5 hour hike on Flambro Head out the side of the huge cliffs and along the coastline...Not only for the exercise but also to watch the Whales....
 I love nature and all the beauty it has to offer ... just take it all in and relax... there is no drug that can bring you as much happiness as a good hike or stroll in your favorite location ... whether it be downtown in a busy city or on the rugged coastline of your beautiful province... Back to the basics of life .. a healthy way of living for your body and mind ... your body craves the activity ... and your brain it craves the change of scenery and the happiness your favorite place can bring you... Ever since I was a small child I was always the type to roam the local woods, hills, beaches  and cliffs to find the unfound and see the unseen ... I have discovered soo many things when I ventured off the beaten path and into the deeper unroamed areas of the land surrounding me... places to be alone with your thoughts and imagination ....If only we had cameras back then ... but times were simpler back then... there was less fear... kidnapping and coyotes were unheard of... or at least un thought of ... we would walk for an hour to our local swimming spot as kids no parental supervision we didn't need it ... we never drowned and never heard of a drowning ... I would never let my child do it today ... walking on the road alone in the middle of nowhere .. but as I said times definatly have changed... most times we were never asked where we were going ... they knew we wouldn't go far...
I still go out in Nature as often as I can ... explore every time... love going new places and revisiting the familiar spots!! I have a few more places I wish to visit before summer is over just because I have never been there and I want to go there and explore ... it makes for an awesome hike and walk ... so I get my exercise and I get to do what I love!!   

1 comment:

  1. You can still raise your kids that way and bad things always happened we just never knew about it. I say ignore the news and live your life. Let kids live their lives too. This world is a great place and they deserve all the freedom we can give them.
    Bad things happened in the past and bad things will continue to happen but I do not believe that we should lives our life fearing the big "what if". We would waste years and years of wonderful to spare ourselves a possible bad experience that may or may not ever happen.

    Just my opinion of course.
