Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Small Accomplishments!!

I think the best thing to look forward to are the small accomplishments.... they act as stepping stones towards what you want most in life and your ultimate goals... today I skipped one of my resting points on the hill and it didn't even affect me that much ... I didn't plan it .. it just happend .. I just felt like I could keep on moving and I did!! this shows me that my body is changing for the better and is getting stronger!!  I like it !!  The Smallest accomplishments mean the most in the long run .. without them there would be no end and no reaching the ultimate goal of life ... I think celebrating small accomplishments is important and it helps me focus and helps me realize that what I am doing is working!!... Besides for my long term goal of weight loss and a marathon I have decided to set a goal for myself that is more living the moment right now type of goal .... I have a friend living in Massachusetts, USA ... I have decided ... now that I have my Treadmill to virtually walk there ... see how long it takes me... just for fun and something different to keep me motivated ... according to google maps ... if I walk across the ocean ... It will be a total of 2037 kms  or 1265.73 miles ...  soo wish me luck I will keep you all posted on where I am on my walk .. I think it will be interesting ... would be even cooler if I could see the scenery ... but I guess you cannot have it all ... maybe some day virtual will turn to reality!!  hoppe you all set your own small accomplishments ... they help and work ... I want to say I on;y stopped once on my hill walk ... thats my next goal!!


  1. This is an awesome idea Kristy! Of course please let me know before you get here so I can clean my home and set up the office for you to stay in hahah. But seriously, I am very very proud of you for taking such initiative. I know very well that improving your health especially when you are bigger, is a very hard thing. I know you can do this, you have immense strength and will power!

  2. GREAT idea Kristy! Fun too!!!
    Let us know when you get there.
