Saturday, August 28, 2010

New Start

A little over 2 weeks ago I decided to take on the live fit reveloution Challenge ... it is alot easier than I though it would be ... four days of working out a half hour cardio a day and a cardio challenge on the weekend!! I have an eating plan that is more flexable than any plan I have been on before so it seems to work for me!! ... as with every lifestyle change it comes with challenges ....I have to eat whats on the menu ... I have choices of what veggies and protine I want but what do I do with them.... years of processed foods had my mind warpped into not knowing how to cook ... After a first day of salad and a tasteless wrap of chicken and lettuce I made the decision to cook ...

With no recipies just my ingredients and my spice rack ... Each day now I am creating dishes that have taste... with no salt ...
   The Next challenge is Apple Cider Vinegar.... Ugh ... it is a super food that helps you with Numerous health benefits and it is worth the taste ... but how do I suffer this one out?? ... well Solution # 2 ... I have purchased some Bengal Spiced Herbal Tea... I add my ACV and it is like a hot Apple cider Drink ....

Another challenge is ... this weeks Cardio challenge was Stairs... find a place that has lots of stairs and do them ... well in a smaller town there are not alot of the same amenities as in a big city ....

 Solution # 3 .. work with what you have... one thing this town does have is alot of hills ... so on my daily hill walk today I walked the hill like it was a set of stairs ...

lifting my legs more and a longer stride.... wow that hill felt like it was day one again ... so I knew it was working ..... one last dilema is time management ... all the extra working out takes away from the other daily chores .... example right after working out and your all hot and sweaty you do not want to go and put you hands in a hot sink full of dishes .... That one I am still working on ...but I will find balance .... I am feeling better internally since I starting feeding my body what it should be eating ... the menu calls for sooo much food ... I can hardley ever clean my plate .... and I am starting to enjoy creating my meals ... and the apple cider vinegar .. well its getting better ... as for the exercise... it is my daily thing now... I enjoy it ... I look forward to it ... it makes me feel good .. it gives you a high you will never experience with any drug ...... and it keeps your body and mind healthier and happier!!

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