Monday, August 30, 2010

Finally Success

I have tried every diet out there .... extreme to the not so extreme ... with no luck .... yes I lost weight ... but it didn't stick ... I did keep the weight off ... but never did I keep the plan up ... because it was just that ..... A diet .... I couldn't of found live fit at a better time in my life .... I had just agreed to do a 10 mile run next year Exausted all diet exersise plans out there and was totally aprehensive to how I would do this .... Now I know there is No Diet that works .... not for me anyway ... I had a realization , a light bulb if you will .... I need to change me ... not only physically but mentally ... its all in the attitude ... sooo I made a lifestyle change ... and it is changing my life .... I started live fit 11 days ago and am down 11 pounds already ... so I guess I have found what works for me ..... having a trainer and alot of support that helps me stay accountable ...  but most of all it is me ... I have changed inside and out ... I now realize it is my time to do something about it instead of sitting and talking about it and right now I feel proud that I am sticking with it ... and I feel like I look forward to my workouts and I have found the obligation that is within me to make myself proud .... every day!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

New Start

A little over 2 weeks ago I decided to take on the live fit reveloution Challenge ... it is alot easier than I though it would be ... four days of working out a half hour cardio a day and a cardio challenge on the weekend!! I have an eating plan that is more flexable than any plan I have been on before so it seems to work for me!! ... as with every lifestyle change it comes with challenges ....I have to eat whats on the menu ... I have choices of what veggies and protine I want but what do I do with them.... years of processed foods had my mind warpped into not knowing how to cook ... After a first day of salad and a tasteless wrap of chicken and lettuce I made the decision to cook ...

With no recipies just my ingredients and my spice rack ... Each day now I am creating dishes that have taste... with no salt ...
   The Next challenge is Apple Cider Vinegar.... Ugh ... it is a super food that helps you with Numerous health benefits and it is worth the taste ... but how do I suffer this one out?? ... well Solution # 2 ... I have purchased some Bengal Spiced Herbal Tea... I add my ACV and it is like a hot Apple cider Drink ....

Another challenge is ... this weeks Cardio challenge was Stairs... find a place that has lots of stairs and do them ... well in a smaller town there are not alot of the same amenities as in a big city ....

 Solution # 3 .. work with what you have... one thing this town does have is alot of hills ... so on my daily hill walk today I walked the hill like it was a set of stairs ...

lifting my legs more and a longer stride.... wow that hill felt like it was day one again ... so I knew it was working ..... one last dilema is time management ... all the extra working out takes away from the other daily chores .... example right after working out and your all hot and sweaty you do not want to go and put you hands in a hot sink full of dishes .... That one I am still working on ...but I will find balance .... I am feeling better internally since I starting feeding my body what it should be eating ... the menu calls for sooo much food ... I can hardley ever clean my plate .... and I am starting to enjoy creating my meals ... and the apple cider vinegar .. well its getting better ... as for the exercise... it is my daily thing now... I enjoy it ... I look forward to it ... it makes me feel good .. it gives you a high you will never experience with any drug ...... and it keeps your body and mind healthier and happier!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Taking a Break

As many of you may have realized I have not been around on Facebook or MSN latly... I decided to take a week off ... sort of a mind cleanse to go along with my body cleanse I am working on...  I have found a new program for my weight loss and have been getting myself on track for that and helping myself zone into my healthier me zone.... I think I have finally found my way around it and have finally found the support I need to get through this Journey!! People who I can relate too and have gone through the same toils and tribulations I have and still are going through them!! ... thats the difference with this plan.... you get support .. you are never on your own... and its a different support than calling in to talk to an advisor or anything like that ... it is a support of real people who have been or still are walking in your shoes... The trainer is awesome as well and she gives you one on one support and motivation ... the workouts are all filmed with people just starting out as you are ... all at different levels and you do not feel intimidated at all... I love this program soo far and I am going to stick with it ... if anyone out there in blogger land wants to know more about the program click on the link below

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Get up and win the race

I read this poem on a forum I am part of and thought it was soo inspiring ... hope you all like it as well

The Race

(D.H. Groberg)

“QUIT! GIVE UP! YOU’RE BEATEN!” They shout out and plead,

There’s just too much against you now, this time you can’t succeed.

And as I start to hang my head in front of failure’s face,

My downward fall is broken by the memory of a race.

And hope refills my weakened will as I recall that scene.

For just the thought of that short race rejuvenates my being.

A children’s race, young boys, young men; now I remember well.

Excitement, sure, but also fear; it wasn’t hard to tell.

They all lined up so full of hope. Each thought to win that race

Or tie for first, or if not that, at least take second place.

And fathers watched from off the side, each cheering for his son.

And each boy hoped to show his dad that he would be the one.

The whistle blew and off they went, young hearts and hopes of fire.

To win, to be the hero there, was each young boy’s desire.

And one boy in particular, his dad was in the crowd,

Was running near the lead and thought, “My Dad will be so proud.”

But as he speeded down the field across a shallow dip,

The little boy who thought to win, lost his step and slipped.

Trying hard to catch himself, his hands flew out to brace,

And mid the laughter of the crowd, he fell flat on his face.

So down he fell and with him hope. He couldn’t win it now.

Embarrassed, sad, he only wished to disappear somehow.

But as he fell, his dad stood up and showed his anxious face,

Which to the boy so clearly said, “Get up and win that race!”

He quickly rose, no damage done – behind a bit, that’s all,

And ran with all his mind and might to make up for his fall.

So anxious to restore himself to catch up and to win,

His mind went faster than his legs. He slipped and fell again.

He wished that he had quit before with only one disgrace.

I’m hopeless as a runner now, I shouldn’t try to race.

But, in a laughing crowd he searched and found his father’s face

That steady look that said again, “Get up and win the race.”

So, he jumped up to try again. Ten yards behind the last.

If I’m to gain those yards, he thought, I’ve got to run real fast.

Exceeding everything he had, he regained eight or ten,

But trying so hard to catch the lead, he slipped and fell again.

Defeat! He lay there silently, a tear dropped from his eye.

There’s no sense running anymore – three strikes I’m out – why try?

The will to rise had disappeared, all hope had fled away.

So far behind, so error prone, closer all the way.

I’ve lost, so what’s the use, he thought, I’ll live with my disgrace.

But then he thought about his dad, who soon he’d have to face.

“Get up,” and echo sounded low, “Get up and take your place.

You were not meant for failure here, get up and win the race.”

With borrowed will, “Get up,” it said, “You haven’t lost at all.

For winning is not more than this: to rise each time you fall.”

So up he rose to win once more, and with a new commit,

He resolved that win or lose, at least he wouldn’t quit.

So far behind the others now, the most he’d ever been.

Still he gave it all he had and ran as though to win.

Three times he’d fallen stumbling, three times he’d rose again.

Too far behind to hope to win, he still ran to the end.

They cheered the winning runner as he crossed first place.

Head high and proud and happy; no falling, no disgrace.

But when the fallen youngster crossed the line, last place.

The crowd gave him the greater cheer for finishing the race.

And even though he came in last, with head bowed low, unproud;

You would have thought he won the race, to listen to the crowd.

And to his Dad he sadly said, “I didn’t do so well.”

“To me you won,” his father said, “You rose each time you fell.”

And when things seem dark and hard and difficult to face,

The memory of that little boy helps me in my race.

For all of life is like that race, with ups and downs and all,

And all you have to do to win is rise each time you fall.

“QUIT! GIVE UP! YOU’RE BEATEN!” they still shout in my face,

But another voice within me says, “GET UP AND WIN THE RACE!”

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Small Accomplishments!!

I think the best thing to look forward to are the small accomplishments.... they act as stepping stones towards what you want most in life and your ultimate goals... today I skipped one of my resting points on the hill and it didn't even affect me that much ... I didn't plan it .. it just happend .. I just felt like I could keep on moving and I did!! this shows me that my body is changing for the better and is getting stronger!!  I like it !!  The Smallest accomplishments mean the most in the long run .. without them there would be no end and no reaching the ultimate goal of life ... I think celebrating small accomplishments is important and it helps me focus and helps me realize that what I am doing is working!!... Besides for my long term goal of weight loss and a marathon I have decided to set a goal for myself that is more living the moment right now type of goal .... I have a friend living in Massachusetts, USA ... I have decided ... now that I have my Treadmill to virtually walk there ... see how long it takes me... just for fun and something different to keep me motivated ... according to google maps ... if I walk across the ocean ... It will be a total of 2037 kms  or 1265.73 miles ...  soo wish me luck I will keep you all posted on where I am on my walk .. I think it will be interesting ... would be even cooler if I could see the scenery ... but I guess you cannot have it all ... maybe some day virtual will turn to reality!!  hoppe you all set your own small accomplishments ... they help and work ... I want to say I on;y stopped once on my hill walk ... thats my next goal!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Back To The Basics

Ahhh the Simple Life!!...This weekend was long and busy but totally worth it... I had a few tasks to do around my parents house which included painting their foundation ... alot of squatting and working of the arms ... espically under the two patios .... we also mowed the lawn which has a steep hill you have to push the mower up and down so another workout!!  We also did a 3.5 hour hike on Flambro Head out the side of the huge cliffs and along the coastline...Not only for the exercise but also to watch the Whales....
 I love nature and all the beauty it has to offer ... just take it all in and relax... there is no drug that can bring you as much happiness as a good hike or stroll in your favorite location ... whether it be downtown in a busy city or on the rugged coastline of your beautiful province... Back to the basics of life .. a healthy way of living for your body and mind ... your body craves the activity ... and your brain it craves the change of scenery and the happiness your favorite place can bring you... Ever since I was a small child I was always the type to roam the local woods, hills, beaches  and cliffs to find the unfound and see the unseen ... I have discovered soo many things when I ventured off the beaten path and into the deeper unroamed areas of the land surrounding me... places to be alone with your thoughts and imagination ....If only we had cameras back then ... but times were simpler back then... there was less fear... kidnapping and coyotes were unheard of... or at least un thought of ... we would walk for an hour to our local swimming spot as kids no parental supervision we didn't need it ... we never drowned and never heard of a drowning ... I would never let my child do it today ... walking on the road alone in the middle of nowhere .. but as I said times definatly have changed... most times we were never asked where we were going ... they knew we wouldn't go far...
I still go out in Nature as often as I can ... explore every time... love going new places and revisiting the familiar spots!! I have a few more places I wish to visit before summer is over just because I have never been there and I want to go there and explore ... it makes for an awesome hike and walk ... so I get my exercise and I get to do what I love!!   

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Feels Like Fall

Today was much cooler outside... which was good for my daily Hill conquer ... I walked to the mail today which includes another smaller hill in my climb... I stopped to feed the horses on my way up as always ... they run to me when they see me comming now ... they know they are getting treats and they LOVE it!!  they are very friendly and loving animals and they love their apples and carrots ... The hill climbing is going good .. I am sticking to it completly... the second day I didn't get to do it cause the errands I had to do ran into the darkness and I didn't like to do it in the dark ... but since that day it has been every day .... even in the POURING rain ... and I mean tail end of hurricane rain ... there were rivers of water running down the hill with me ... and as I looked down I seen that I was walking faster than the ripples of water were running.... that was going down the hill now ... which I did find pretty hard at first due to the impact and my toes hitting off the front of my sneakers ... but going down is getting easier... as is going up ... not alot easier yet mind you ... but it is a little easier .... I set goals for myself and each day try to beat them ... like I have to get to that tree going at a steady pace b4 I am allowed to stop to break ... it helps alot and helps me stay focused on getting to that tree rather than to the top right away ... my goal is to get right to the top no breaks no stops and not winded .... a long way to go yes but I'm getting there one step at a time!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

At the goal of my journey

How Will You Reward Yourself??  Once I reach my goal of weight loss I plan on treating myself.. I think everyone should treat themselves beyond the normal buy a new wardrobe and normal things... I plan on getting a Tattoo ... a symbol of my success in this journey ... I would love to go to kat von D to get it.. but right now I do not see that happening .... but you never know.... so I am going to get my first initial tattoo at that time and it will be of.... get ready for this .. a frog..... why a frog??  well first of all I love frogs but the main reason is the symbolisim... the transformation that frogs endure in their life is phenomonal .. its crazy and amazing espically the point that when they are tadpoles they are totally water bound then they develope the ability to live on land .. its awesome!!

Frog Meanings and Symbolism

When the frog jumps into your life it may indicate now is a time to find opportunities in transition. We see animal symbolism of transition with the frog in its unique growth cycle. The frog undergoes incredible transformations to reach the destination of full adulthood, and so do we as humans.

The frog understands what it is like to undergo some serious growing pains – and so it is a fantastic animal totem for teenagers as they sometimes struggle to find their place (in-betwix youth and adulthood) in society.

A quick-list for animal symbolism of the frog includes:











As a Celtic symbol meaning, the Frog was deemed lord over all the earth, and the Celts believed it represented curative or healing powers because of its connection with water and cleansing rains. More Western and European views focus on the Frog's three stages of development (egg, tadpole, fully formed amphibian) to symbolize resurrection and spiritual evolution. For these same reasons it is also a common Christian symbol for the holy trinity and resurrection. It is often seen in Christian art to express this symbolism.

In China the Frog is an emblem of Yin energy and thought of as good luck. Feng Shui practices recommend putting an image of a Frog in the east window of your home to encourage child birth and/or happy family life.

Frog energy is also considered to be a link between the living and the dead. An interesting ancient Asian custom was to place a jade frog in the mouth of the deceased to insure his/her spirit would pass safely into the spirit world. This custom was believed to allow the spirit of the deceased to speak more clearly to loved ones still living.

Frogs are also good luck symbols in Japan - especially for travelers. Images or charms were worn during long voyages to assure safety (particularly across water).

The Japanese word for frog is "kaeru." It is the same word meaning "return." So travelers carry a small frog amulet with the intent of returning safely home.   ... I WANT ONE!!!!

Further, small pebble-sized frog amulets are carried in their wallets so money will not be lost.

Ancient Hindus viewed the animal symbolism of frogs on a more cosmic levels, as they believe Frogs projected the world into orbit in space, and the frog was also thought to signify darkness.
Call upon the energy of the frog when:
You need to easily swim through some tough life-transitions

You need a little assurance while traveling

You are working to enhance your intuition, and strengthen your connection with the spirit world
Dont you think we all could ues a little frogginess in our life??
This is a pic of the tattoo I want ... The symbols at the bottom spell Success!! 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


To Say and To Do are two different things... I have this problem sometimes ....  I need structure but sometimes find a structured life difficult and time consuming... I have come up with a solution for the structure problem in my Journey to a healthier me... I have a binder that is Labled MY JOURNEY... inside this binder there are many different colored tabs each with their own level of importance to my Journey....

The first tab with the color of White is recipes ... this is a place for me to print off all the healthy recipes that catch my eye and give them a home ... If I like them they stay ... If I do not like them they go ... simple as that!

Tab #2 .. colored blue is for water.. there is a calendar in this section to track that I drink enough water every day .. again this is something I struggle with daily and need to work on

Tab #3 ...Has the color red... red zone ... makes sense to me.. I have composed a Weekly Meal Tracker  chart for this section ... there is a place for Breakfast, dinner, supper and snackfor each day of the week

Tab #4....Green for GO... is for exercise... again I Have composed a Daily Tracking Exercise chart that asks me every day What I did... to make sure that I did something that day

And Last But Not Least :
Tab #5... Purple for Walking .... I just use a monthly calendar and write in my walking accomplishment for that day

I also purchased star stickers ... the little ones ... if I reach my goal I get a sticker... it show my progress and if I am reaching my goals ... Childish??? maybe... but for me it helps!!

one problem I also find myself struggling with is the "Out of Sight, Out of Mind" concept .... I need to see this binder to actually use it

for me this works better than me trying to keep track of it in my head for now anyway ... it may seem extreame to some but for me right now it is structure! 

Monday, August 9, 2010

Convenience Vs Healthy

I'm Just Gonna Pop something in the Microvave  ... such a common phrase ... such a convenience... soooo easy and in 2 mins you have a meal ready to eat ... if you could call it that..  But wait , Now you can get healthier options for the Microwave ... like lean cuisine and Smart ones ... but are they really healthier ... if you actually compare the healthy ones to the "low Fat " ones are they really that much different... check out the salt content most have more than half the daily intake of salt .... nad have you ever felt full after eating one of these "Tv Dinners"?  they are called entrees for a reason ... I am planning to change certain habits ... change convenience into healthy but still make it quick enough that its not inconvenient ... I plan to choose one day of the week as a prep day ... to make wraps, healthy pizzas, soup, and any other healthy meals that I can for the whole week ,... freeze or refridgerate them and have my own grab and go meals that are fast and convenient minus the preservatives and unnessesary salt.. I think a few hours out of one day of the week beats having to prep every day and when you're not in the mood to cook you have it there at your fingertips to just throw in the microwave and eat within mins.  Convenience and Healthy =  A Happy Me 

Sunday, August 8, 2010


What are your Goals??... I have many.  Too many to think of .  My #1 goal that I can think of is to become healthy.. to be able to do the things I love and desire.  Being healthier to me starts here with me and my motivation to get this aspect of my life under control.  So today I forced myself to climb the hill that tortures me every time.  I took a few breaks to calm my lungs said hello to the horses but I did it right to the bottom and right back up ... it was tough but I did it and will do it again tomorrow.  and the next day.  I will need this hill considering the fact that I am signing up to do the tely 10 Marathon (10 miles) in July of next year.. Crazy?? maybe ... but you know what I need a goal to work towards and to accomplish that is not a pounds loss ... its a fitness goal .. it tells me how in shape or outta shape I will be ... and for me .. its not about winning its about finishing thsts my goal ... cause in September of next year I am going to do a 10k run for the Terry Fox Foundation... I need to get into gear and get my ass on the treadmill that I do not have yet ... until then I will use my hill... of course in the winter this hill may not be as accessible to walking as much ... more to sliding I think ... but hopefully my treadmill will be existant by then... I have always wanted to run or walk a marathon ... it has been a goal for a long time... to accomplish this would be so exhillerating and such an awesome finish something that has been a long time dream of mine.... ohh its going to be such a journey getting there ... but this year is going to be interesting and very , very worth it! 

Saturday, August 7, 2010


I'll Do It Tomorrow...How many times have you said that??... how many times have I said it??  way too many to count.  I love the way that I am not sooo obsessive that I Have to do that right now but I hate the fact that tomorrow never comes...  I have decided that all this procrastination HAS to come to an end.. Starting tomorrow.... I know I know ... tomorrow ... but it is 1:33 am and today is pretty much shot ... but hey I managed to sit myself down long enough to write this blog for today.. So tomorrow starts my uphill battle ... which I swear will become less of a battle ... I did climb the sister hill today which is just as long but not as steep ... so it doesn't count... I am thinking of doing a detox cleanse type of thing to rid my body of all the toxins I have fed it in the past while and to start fresh and feeling fine... I feel like this will help my body accept the initial shock of me pounding the crap out of it on the exercise machines and hills... I am going to keep this blog up this time cause I have a new little birdy that will remind me daily and will help motivate me on my journey ... which will be by far the hardest and most exhilarating experience of my life... I have never wanted to be thin ... I don't believe I ever will be ... I think it would look weird on me ... I have a body that is not built for thiness I just want to be physically able to do the things I want to do ... Like Climb Mountains and run marathons .... high ambitions but its something I want to do .... I am going to start training for a marathon soon ... I am not too sure what marathon it will be but I hope it to be a run for the cure or something along those lines... I think I need the motivation of small goals to work towards ... although I am going to be proud of every lb lost .. I look more forward to the physical change and the ability to feel absolutly proud and delighted that I did that ... so my new life... it starts tomorrow!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Uphill Battle

Let's go check the mail!... A common phrase.  Said many times before by so many people.  Usually an easy task, simple really, isn't it?  Well for me its not so simple.  I live on top of a hill that gives me sensational views and an Awesome wind that keeps away the flies most of the time... I love it up here and love to watch the fog roll in over the valley while I remain in the clear.  Unfourtunatly I live at the top of a Hill ... with nothing else only other houses and fields that surround me.   Everything that is essential for life requires climbing down the hill which, may I add; is almost as hard as climbing back up ... ooohhh climbing up ... thats the part that gets me .... this is not an ordinary incline believe me ... this is straight up... it is, I think, by far the steepest hill in this Town and it is the one I live on top of.  Honestly I do believe living up here is a blessing in disguise ... I need this hill... it is important in my journey ... But I thought I was in WAY better shape before this hill entered my life..  I have never huffed and puffed so much in my life before I moved here...
You know what?  I have made a decision I am going to make this hill My Friend .. you know one that you love to hate but is always there for you on your uphill battles!.. I have decided to start using the hill as benefit .. a sort of routine.  I figure if I walk this hill once a day rain or shine no matter what It will have to become easier and will benefit me drastically ... no matter what my brain tells me to do or not to do; which it does alot this hill will be conquered many times over... I need this hill; this challenge... as the next step in this weight loss journey .. Wish me luck in my Uphill Battle!!