Saturday, September 18, 2010

Running For The Cure

I try to help out in any way I can to as many charities as possible... Unfortunatly I do not have alot of cash to go around so I look for more creative and inventive ways to Help... aka the Run for the Cure or Donating My Hair... anything I can do to help I try to do!!  I am a person who believes that one person Do Make a difference ... even though most people do not believe this I do... People say what is the difference will it make if I help... Imagine the whole world said that ... the world would not develop... would not advance ... we would still have Small Pox and Polio to worry about ... I believe every person has the ability to make a difference in this world something even as simple as smiling at a stranger ... you do not know where they have been today ... Maybe seeing that there is some good left in this world ... that a stranger took the time to actually give a gesture of kindness and acknowledgement that they are there will bring them up out of whatever slum mood they may be in...   I think there is kindness in everybody but sometimes it gets lost deep inside and the simple gestures of their surroundings may be what makes the difference in a good day and a bad day!!! give it a try sometime ... a simple smile ... and a hello .... or hold the door for someone the little free things in life that make more of a difference than you will ever know!! 

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I was definitely my "best me" when I was an active activist. Right now I call myself a dormant activist because I am caught up in laziness and sorrow, but being an activist is definitely an integral part of who I am. I intend to reignite this passion someday. I think that the way that you said it is perfect, that if everyone felt helping did not make a difference we would be in a very sad place. The way I like to think about it is kind of like the "act local" way of thinking. No, one "little" person may not be able to cure AIDS or stop domestic violence but that person may encourage one victim to leave or help one AIDS patient survive longer or happier. It is not cliche to say if we touch only one life it is worth the effort.
