Monday, September 6, 2010

Hard Work And Dedication

Hard Work and Dedication are the two most important things in any journey In My Opinion!!  You have to be willing to work every day towards what you want most and focus on that rather than what you want right this second.. you have to be dedicated to what works for you ... whatever system, program, lifestyle that Fits your body and your mind... some people like to do things alone... I on the other hand like to have support ... and somehow support from people who are not family of friends (in the beginning anyways) help more... I don't know if anyone else agrees but for me its good to have someone who has been in your shoes, who has tried sooo many times as you and have had the same hiccups as you in your journey ... someone to relate to ... I am not saying that support from family and friends is not welcome and accepted ... in fact it is wonderful ... but it is kind of expected if you know what I mean... but when people who do not know you but do know you on a deeper level because they have been there give you support and encouragement to go the extra mile it means alot ... it means that they know where you are and what you are capable of ... they are not just standing on the sidelines cheering you on they are right beside you running their own race...
and are willing to pick you up when you fall flat on your face!!  Helping people is one thing I have always been passionate about in my life and now I have the opportunity to help the people who have started after me ... to tell them my experiences and assure them that things do get easier!!  Hard work Definatly Pays off and Dedication to this lifestyle will definatly be worth while as I see the Outer Layers Melt away......

1 comment:

  1. Two thoughts: first I totally see how having hep from people who have been there is a great tool. it is like AA, or like what Shell does for a living (which she happens to be giving a speech tomorrow about why peer support is so unique). I watched the movie about the founder of AA a few months ago and it was really good, it really showed how peer support is such a strong tool.

    Second thought: hard work and dedication is key - so true! Again it is not cliche to say that anything that is worth getting is going to take hard work.
