Monday, September 27, 2010

Some Days You Just Need To Rest

You Work Hard Everyday  to try to reach your goals and live up to your expectations... you give what you can and do what you can to help yourself and others get through the day!  Your days are filled to the brim with I gotta get this, this and that done plus juggling Family, workout, school, work, hobby... Some Days You just have to rest ... and today Rest I did... OK,  Breathe

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Running For The Cure

I try to help out in any way I can to as many charities as possible... Unfortunatly I do not have alot of cash to go around so I look for more creative and inventive ways to Help... aka the Run for the Cure or Donating My Hair... anything I can do to help I try to do!!  I am a person who believes that one person Do Make a difference ... even though most people do not believe this I do... People say what is the difference will it make if I help... Imagine the whole world said that ... the world would not develop... would not advance ... we would still have Small Pox and Polio to worry about ... I believe every person has the ability to make a difference in this world something even as simple as smiling at a stranger ... you do not know where they have been today ... Maybe seeing that there is some good left in this world ... that a stranger took the time to actually give a gesture of kindness and acknowledgement that they are there will bring them up out of whatever slum mood they may be in...   I think there is kindness in everybody but sometimes it gets lost deep inside and the simple gestures of their surroundings may be what makes the difference in a good day and a bad day!!! give it a try sometime ... a simple smile ... and a hello .... or hold the door for someone the little free things in life that make more of a difference than you will ever know!! 

Monday, September 6, 2010

Hard Work And Dedication

Hard Work and Dedication are the two most important things in any journey In My Opinion!!  You have to be willing to work every day towards what you want most and focus on that rather than what you want right this second.. you have to be dedicated to what works for you ... whatever system, program, lifestyle that Fits your body and your mind... some people like to do things alone... I on the other hand like to have support ... and somehow support from people who are not family of friends (in the beginning anyways) help more... I don't know if anyone else agrees but for me its good to have someone who has been in your shoes, who has tried sooo many times as you and have had the same hiccups as you in your journey ... someone to relate to ... I am not saying that support from family and friends is not welcome and accepted ... in fact it is wonderful ... but it is kind of expected if you know what I mean... but when people who do not know you but do know you on a deeper level because they have been there give you support and encouragement to go the extra mile it means alot ... it means that they know where you are and what you are capable of ... they are not just standing on the sidelines cheering you on they are right beside you running their own race...
and are willing to pick you up when you fall flat on your face!!  Helping people is one thing I have always been passionate about in my life and now I have the opportunity to help the people who have started after me ... to tell them my experiences and assure them that things do get easier!!  Hard work Definatly Pays off and Dedication to this lifestyle will definatly be worth while as I see the Outer Layers Melt away......

Thursday, September 2, 2010

How do I do it?

Alot of people have said to me latly How do you do it??  How do I get the motivation to workout and keep eating the good foods and not eat the bad ones??  Well the only thing I can say is that I just do it ... I am human... I cannot say I don't crave certain things BUT the difference now is that I know what giving into those cravings do to me and my body... I know it is soooooo easy to fall off track and back into my old ways and this time is going to be my last time cause I refuse to let old habits back in... How do I Not want sweets and goodies.... well right now I am obsessed with reading labels ... there are certain warning signs there that point to fat ... like salt and sugar and White flour ... you would be surprised where they stick stuff in for no apparent reason.  My body feels alot better now than it ever has eating all the garbage I was before ... speaking of garbage ... our garbage bags per week are way lower since this lifestyle has found me... One of the best motivations it the physical difference I see in me ... I can see definition .. I can see my Shoulders .. I can see Muscles I didn't even know I had... my clothes are fitting better and my energy is higher.... Motivation is hard at times when you are "Not In The Mood"  to workout ...

c'mon we are all human and we all have our off days ... but if I have a day like that I FORCE myself to do it anyway and you know what??? I feel 100% better after ... If you do not want to ... do it anyway.. it is totally worth the effort ... as for the junkier foods I see them now and sort of cringe ... It kind of makes me think why would I do that to me?? ....So I don't!!  
I just look at where I want to be and How I am going to get there ...... Now that I know How ,, I am getting there one swing at a time!!!