Tuesday, October 12, 2010

No More Excuses

So many times in the past I have tried and was unsuccesful ... at one thing or another I woukld always make an excuse to not do it today ... and put it all off ... I have done this with weight loss sooo many times and have givin up after soo long ... why did I do this??  ... was I afraid of success??  was I afraid I would get too much attention??  was I lazy??  ... I cannot answer those questions ... I don't really know why?? I think somthing deep inside is afraid of failure tho... I guess that is a given... the what if I do this and then gain it back like so many b4 me ... or what if I get so far and then give up again ... But you know what ... for some reason ... this time it is different ... I feel different mentally and physically ... I feel like I can do it this time ... I look forward to the smaller clothes, the easier walks and runs, the more active lifestyle ... yet I take it one day at a time ... the decisions I make today affect tomorrow and tomorrow the next day... I make a decision every day to be healthy and to be a better version of myself!! It is a slow process but will totally be worth it!!  I am winning my life and will be healthier than I have been in my whole life!! 

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